Sunday, July 19, 2009

Research - Fansites

For our A2 media coursework not only must we create a music video for an album track but we also have to create a CD cover for our music video and create a fansite informing our fans of upcoming events and what the band or artist has been up to. Therefore, I have been looking at the fansites of different artists and making notes about them, observing how they attract their audience.

I recently looked at Taylor Swift's and Miley Cyrus' fansites.
Taylor Swift's Fan site:
Pictures of Taylor Swift,
Page is like a scrapbook - Reminds us of a diary. Perhaps appealing to teenagers.
Lots of links around the page -
"Vote for taylor Teen choice 09"
"Win Taylor items"
"Tour photos"
"Watch taylor"
"see taylor"
"taylor store"
Automatic music plays.
Miley Cyrus' fansite.
Pictures of miley cyrus,
"latest news- Miley covers Elle magazine!!"
"home link"
"miblog" - so we can see what the artist has been up to.


My media coursework for A2 is to create a music video for an album track. Therefore, I have recently been researching different music genres, artists and have been analysing with detail different music videos to inspire me in my own and to give me different effective ideas such as what shots I would like to use and what artist and genre I would like to use. The first artist I looked at was Taylor Swift who is a very successful country pop singer and I analysed her music videos "Love story" and "Teardrops on my guitar".

Love story - Taylor Swift
Costume: Old victorian dresses. Taylor's hair is up in an old fashioned way (Looks like a period drama)
Camera angles: Beginning - Establishing shot of a school then an establishing shot of a castle. Feels like a fairytale. Camera zooms in on girl on the castle balcony - close up. Whilst she is singing the camera watches her but also cuts to flashbacks of girl and boy dancing. The camera at one point looks down on them dancing - high angle shot. Camera zooms in and shows a close up of faces.
Middle - Setting is now outside at night. Close up of holding hands in the dark. Camera zooms out to show a mid shot of the couple walking. Close up of old statue, flowers and facial expressions.
End - Camera watches girl from behind when she is on the balcony. When girl and boy see each other the camera flicks back and forth to show their facial expressions and reactions. To create tension the music gets louder. Camera watches girl running down castle stairs. High angle shot of girl running down. As they are nearing eachother the camera flicks again... Over the shoulder shot of boy seeing girl. Camera shows the boy and girl from many angles at the end and the video finishes with a close up of the couple.
Mise-en-scene: In the ballroom - Lots of candles, other people dancing. Very bright. Girl holds a candle holder in the garden. Garden looks like a forest (Fairytale imagery again)
There is also a white horse and a statue outside.
Teardrops on my guitar - Taylor Swift.
Dialogue at the beginning shows the audience that she is telling a story and confiding in us. Very personal.
Costume: In the school flashbacks - Casual outfits.
In Taylor's bedroom - she wears a stunning green dress. The green could perhaps signify jealousy. However, because it is only a lime green rather than a strong green the audience are given the impression that she isn't selfish and bitter.
Camera angles: Close ups of girls face to show how she is feeling. Alot of zooming in and panning. Camera zooms out to show a full shot of girl lying on bed, then zooms in to show a mid shot of her as she is singing. Camera shows different sides of her face and then zooms on on the guitar. Consistently zooms in and out. Zooms in on science equipment when they are in the school lab. Science equipment signifys chemistry, she loves him. Furthermore, the school scenes are effective as it appeals to a teenage audience who can relate to the school setting.
Mise en scene: Lockers, school bags, guitar, science equipment. Curtain is blowing.

Thursday, July 2, 2009