Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Research into the Indie Genre

Indie pop is a genre of music that origniated in the United Kingdom in the mid 1980s. It has its roots in the Scottish post-punk bands on the Postcard Records label such as Josef K, Orange Juice and the popular and dominant The Smiths.

Originally, the term Indie was established to describe artists on independant labels and the genre was named just after the release of NME's C86 tape which featured a variety of different bands including Primal Scream, Half Man Half Biscuit, Bogshed and The Wedding Present.

Overall, the indie pop genre has a dominating influence on the music industry today and successful indie pop artists and bands perform at festivals such as Glastonbury. Popular indie artists and bands include The Kooks, Kate Nash, Lilly Allen, Scouting for girls, Plain white T's.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is our costume's script. We decided to print off a copy of the song and annotate it with the costumes we will need for each scene.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Production schedule

We have produced a Production Schedule which we will need for the Production process. Our Production Schedule has enabled us to organise the filming process, For example, when we will film, the props we will need on that particular day and the characters we will require for particular scenes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

We have also started on our CD cover and are using Adobe photoshop CS3 to create our CD cover. We have used the top half of our poster to make a connection between the poster and CD cover however we have not decided on whether we will use this as this is our rough version.

We have recently started our CD poster advertising the new single We get on and we have used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create it. We have chosen a colourful and bright cartoon like background which creates a link with Kate Nash's album and single covers which are also cartoon like and we feel the cartoon imagery links to Kate Nash's bright and bubbly character. Furthermore, we have used a font style which we believe creates a child-like feel which also links with Nash's previous single covers. Overall, we plan to have a photograph of Claudia sitting on a swing which is attached to the trees branch.
We will also include:
Company name - CLICK productions
Company logo
Release date of single

My Skills Audit

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poster analysis

For our media coursework we have to also design a poster promoting the new single therefore I have found a poster promoting Taylor Swift's single, Love Story. Although the poster isn't very clear I have identified a few important aspects that we will need to keep in mind for our poster. Firstly, at the bottom left side there is a logo saying Hal Leonard Corporation and this enables the audience to see who the music print publisher is. Furthermore, the photo of Taylor is the main focus of the poster as it takes up the most space and this suggests that Taylor is being sold on her image. She is presented as unique as she is wearing what looks like an old-fashioned renaissance dress and the way her hair is done up suggests that she is from another time. This different time period image is effective as it is unusual and her image differs from most artists in the charts who wear modern clothing. We would like to bear this in mind for our artist's image as we also want her to stand out and we want to portray Kate Nash's quirky personality. Overall, the whole imagery with the stone pillars behind her effectively creates a fairytale theme and magical feel and the title of the song, Love Story also suggests that it is a fairytale theme and perhaps Taylor is the princess. Additionally, the poster links to the music video of Love Story as in the video she is also wearing this dress and we will have to link our music video somehow to the poster. We have been brainstorming ideas lately and we plan to show the fifties twist in our poster and our CD cover therefore this could be our link to the music video. We also plan to include some cartoon elements to make a connection to Kate Nash's previous single covers which are cartoon like.