Friday, May 7, 2010

This is our final CD cover, the back and front. We changed the back of our CD cover and decided to include a photo of Katie the 50's singer in it as although Claudia is the central character, Katie also has an important role in the music video as she is Claudia's inspiration. Furthermore, we used Adobe Photoshop to position the two photos close together in a way that made Katie look like she is shadowing Claudia and we also blurred the edges of the photos to make it look neater and more professional. Also, the photo of Katie is a still from editing and is therefore a monochrome therefore an effective contrast is evoked between Claudia who is in colour and modern and Katie who is in black and white and further away to show that she is from the past.

This is our final poster advertising Kate Nash's song release. We used Adobe Photoshop to create a cartoon-like colourful landscape for our poster to evoke the fairytale theme and we changed the photo of Claudia we used before to the one where Claudia is wearing the red polka dot vintage dress as we felt this maintained the 50's theme that is evident in our music video and also the red dress has connotations of love which links to the song which is about heartache. We also used the photo of Claudia with her legs swinging down as this looked more realistic than the previous photo.