Sunday, April 5, 2009

Editing Main Task and Adding the Text to Main Task.

In my last lesson on the 3rd April I continued to work on my groups main task. We have recently been editing our main task, using the razor tool to cut up our main task and put it all together successfully. We had to delete a number of shots to make our main task work and to fix some mistakes. Furthermore, on the 3rd April I worked on putting the text and titles into our main task. I produced the text using different coloured fonts, for example, I used a red font to match the colour of the boys shirt. Furthermore, the text included the distributer, producer and the title of the film "I love her but..."
In our next lesson we plan to edit our preliminary task. Also, for our main task we must organise the music we will use as the music is essential for our main task as our film opening has no dialogue and the music is also important as it helps the audience to connect with our main character who is listening to the same thing on his ipod. This is an effective use of diegetic sound.
I also used the Audio 1 button on Premiere Pro to get rid of all the sound we do not want, for example, the sound of cars in the background.

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