Sunday, January 18, 2009

Script and Shots

Today we devised a rough copy of our script which we found less time consuming as we decided that our media opening would have no dialogue as we considered that most openings of films do not have dialogue but just music which relates to the character or the genre or story. The script included things like the song used, the names of the cast, the facial expressions shown and body language and setting.

Script & Shot List:

*Establishing shot of the sky*
First Credit appears in the sky after a few seconds.
Music starts.
Camera slowly moved downwards so that a boy is in view. The loser boy walks slowly and he is listening to his ipod.
The camera follows the Loser boy who turns into a small alleyway.

Now, there is a Full shot of the Loser boy as he walks towards the camera from the top of the alleyway.
Secondly, we will have some quick shots. One of the Loser boy's feet, one of his full body and a mid shot of this face.
Then the camera will turn so that it is from the Loser boy's perspective.
From the Loser Boy's perspective the camera will show a full shot of the girl he likes waving. The loser boy thinks she is waving at him and the camera quickly flicks back to a mid - shot of the Loser boy hesitantly and happily waving back. However, whilst he is waving another boy is seen behind him also waving. The other boy is the girls boyfriend and he moves forward knocking the Loser boy out of the way. The camera again turns and watches the girl's boyfriend run towards Katie. They hug and the camera zooms in and out to show their relationship. The camera flicks back to the Loser boy to show his reaction and he turns around and walks away. The camera then flicks back to the girl and boy who are just letting go of each other. The boyfriend takes the girls hand and slowly turns around giving the Loser boy a dirty look. They walk of in the opposite direction to the Loser boy as they walk off the instrumental of the music begins to play.

The setting changes. There is an establising shot of a field and the Loser boy is slightly in view. To emphasize that time has past there is two final shots. One when he is in the middle of the field and one when he is walking past the camera. *Fades out* During this scene the two shots that emphasize that time has past appear in time with the music to add effect.

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