Monday, October 19, 2009

Location photos

"I locked myself in the toilet for the entire night"
The scene where the girl locks herself in the toilet after she sees the boy she likes kissing someone else will be filmed in Samantha's bathroom as pictured above.

"So I went to that party"
We will use Samantha's hallway to show the girl entering the house and walking past the people at the party.

The two photos above are of Samantha's living room where we plan to have lots of people enjoying themselves at the party.
Overall, we have decided to use Samantha's house for the party scenes as we have permission. Furthermore, her house has a lot of space to film the party scenes therefore we are not restricted. She also has a spacious garden, we therefore have the choice of whether we want to film some party scenes outside.

Our Final Storyboard

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We have recently been thinking about who would be appropriate and suitable for the role of the Main girl in our music video. Overall, as a group we have decided to cast Claudia Glynn as the Main girl for a number of reasons. We feel we can rely on Claudia as she has maintained many commitments with her drama school in the past, therefore, we can rely on her to always be there for filming and rehearsals. Furthermore, we decided to cast Claudia as the main girl as she has alot of acting and singing experience therefore she will be professional and take her role seriously. Additionally, her singing experience means that when we film her singing to the camera in a 1950's bar, she can sing along so that the lip-syncing looks very professional and realistic and we can simply mute the sound on the camera. Overall, we feel that Claudia absolutely fits the role as her acting experience and talents means that when she sings she can express herself through her facial expressions and eyes and overall, emphasise her feelings for the boy and her devastation when she sees him with his girlfriend. Finally, Claudia is perfect for the role as she has a quirky sense of humour which fits in with the personality of the girl in the song and overall her acting experience advantages us as she can learn scripts quickly and she is used to taking directions. We aim to make Claudia look more 1950's to emphasise the 50's twist in our music video and we will do this by looking at 1950's fashion icons and the clothing and hairstyles they had.

We have also cast Eamon as the main boy as we feel he fits the role well and we can rely on him to be professional and take the role seriously; he is also happy to be in the video.

Finally, the understudys for our main characters will be Katie O'Kane and David Togher. Katie is our understudy for Claudia's character as she knows the song We Get On off by heart and Katie also dresses fashionably and sometimes dresses like she is from another time. For example, she wears big bows in her hair.
David is our understudy for Eamon's character as we feel we can trust him to be reliable and follow instructions.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Treatment

For our A2 Media Coursework my group are creating a music video for the album track “We Get On” by Kate Nash. We chose Kate Nash’s “We Get On” because out of all of our possible song choices Nash’s song has the most visual lyrics, “Everyone, they were kind of arty”. We especially wanted a song with visual lyrics so that we could make connections between the lyrics and the actual music video. Furthermore, Kate Nash’s song we felt was the most personal as she is telling the audience a story from experience and she appears to be confiding in the audience. The song also has a structure; a beginning, middle and end which we can work with.

Our music video is going to follow the narrative told in the song. The video therefore will be about a girl who is in love with a boy but too afraid to show her true feelings. Therefore, instead of confessing her feelings to the boy, the girl sings about him and expresses herself through her singing. We will begin our music video with the girl singing in a 1950’s type bar as we have decided to have a 1950’s twist in our music video as we have been greatly influenced by 50’s style icon Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. We plan to have our singer, when she is in the bar dressed as if she is from the 50’s and we will increase the 50’s mood by setting up the bar like a typical 50’s bar and we would like the performance based part of our video to be in black and white, a monochrome. Furthermore, in our music video as Kate Nash is telling a story in hindsight we plan to have a number of flash backs showing her interacting with the boy she likes. However, these flashbacks will be in colour and will be very modern. However, we plan to still maintain the 50’s twist and we will do this by dressing the girl in modern clothes but giving her a slight 50’s twist. For example, she might be wearing a big bow in her hair.
Overall, our target audience will be a teenage audience as we feel the issues in our music video such as love, friendship, heart ache and partying are issues that teenagers can relate to. We will make our music video successful by choosing suitable and professional actors and actresses and we will bring it to life through lots of flashbacks to link in with the narrative of the song. For example, when she sings, "When I saw you, kissing that girl, my heart it shattered and my eyes they watered and when I tried to speak I stu-uttered" we will show this exact scene and show the girl's emotional reaction when she is staring at the boy and girl whilst these lyrics are being sang. We will not show her singing as it is a flashback so we will just have lots of shots to emphasise her devastation - a close up of her face, a mid shot, a close up of her eyes when it says, "My eyes they watered".

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lyrics storyboard

In our last media lesson my group worked on our lyrics storyboard. We began working on our rough storyboard and then thought it would be more effective to print off the lyrics of Kate's song and write our ideas for the music video underneath each line.