Friday, December 5, 2008

Deciding about our idea for our Main Task

In today's lesson the class analyzed a set of films looking at the credits (the film title, the production company etc). This was beneficial and helpful as we saw how some films relate the presentation of the title to the film's genre. For example, The Sixth Sense used an eerie affect by the way the letters of the title came onto the screen in a haunting and ghostly way. Watching the credits of these films was overall effective as it emphasized to us the importance of time management; we realized that we cannot waste too much time on the opening credits. Also, we analyzed the openings of a number of films to give us ideas about our own coursework, which involves creating the opening of a new film. My group successfully decided on our opening. We plan to have the setting in a graveyard with a child hiding behind a grave stone at night hiding and frightened. To add effect during the credits we will use eerie music drowned out by the sound of the child's frantic panting (the child has been running). Finally to close our opening we would like a close up of the child as the camera tracks in very quickly, emphasizing that whatever the child has been hiding from has found her.

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