Saturday, December 13, 2008

Changing our idea for our Main Task

During this lesson Francesca and I decided to change our coursework idea for the Main task. We decided against a horror genre and decided to create a more comical and light opening for our film. We have chosen to create a scene where an alienated boy who is unpopular, with no friends is wandering along the street, listening to his i pod and moving in time with the music to help the audience gain an understanding of his witty character. We are also going to include a moment where he is walking towards a girl who he believes is smiling slightly at him and we will have him walking towards her only to find that she completely ignores him and takes the boy's hand behind him. To add effect we will include non-diegetic music (the boy's i pod) whilst the credits are showing. We also will get an upbeat song for the walking down the road part which will be diegetic.

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