Thursday, February 5, 2009

Practice filming with our cast.

Today, we decided to have a day of practice filming with our cast. This was useful as it enabled us to consider our ideas further and enabled us to see what would work and what wouldn’t. For example, we decided that our setting we intended to have would not work as the town was too crowded and people kept walking into the shot. Therefore, we decided that we would change our setting to somewhere less crowded and quiet. Furthermore, we decided that the two boys we were using in our film would not work as they could not take it seriously and we decided to change them as they could not emphasize facial expressions and could not fit the genre of comedy. Therefore, we concluded we would use two other friends for our male cast as our aim is to achieve an opening of the comedy genre but we want our characters to be sincere as if they don't know their being funny to reflect the British humour.

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