Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Filming day with our new cast

Today, we spent the day filming with our new characters. They proved themselves to be alot better than the other boys we were going to use as they took the filming seriously and they were successful in their facial expressions and acting. They were very professional and they acted convincingly. For example, there is a part in our opening when the popular boy knocks the unpopular boy out of the way. Romano and Ena made this very convincing through their body language and facial expressions which emphasised their dislike of eachother and feud over the girl they both like. Furthermore, it was a long day which required many re-takes. For example, sometimes someone would walk into the shot accidentally or look at the camera. Also, there was a moment when we were filming Romano, the boy listening to his ipod walking along the main road; we were situated across the road and a bus passed meaning that our reflections were seeable on the camera from the bus. Luckily, we noticed this mistake and filmed the shot again.

The filming overall was successful as we had our storyboard to guide us on one shot at a time. However, we did make some changes to our storyboard and did not always abide by it as we found ourselves at times improvising. For example, we decided to show a shot of Ena, the popular boy on his phone at the beginning and this zoom-in was not included in our storyboard. Also, we found ourselves simply taking a number of shots. For example, we took a close - up of the unpopular boy, a mid-shot, a shot of his feet walking, a full shot of his body as in our storyboard we wanted these shots to flick from one to the other in the opening so that it looks professional and the audience know that Romano is the main character. Overall, we tried to divide out the filming process. Sometimes Anna would film and Francesca and I would observe, discuss and instruct the characters and other times we would swap and I would film and the others would observe. We became a little conscience of the timing as we thought our film might be too short so we tried to prolong the process of Romano walking.

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