Monday, February 1, 2010

Filming Photographs

"Kate Nash's house"
"Long shot of Kate Nash's house"We decided to use this location as Kate Nash's house in our music video as this location continues the 50's theme as the house is victorian styled from the outside.

Spy scene

Below are some photos of the scene where Kate Nash is watching CSI and reflecting on the party and in the filming process we have ensured that Claudia conveys Kate Nash's emotions in the song. We even played sad songs about heartache in the background when filming this part so that Claudia could express Kate Nash's feelings of heartache Furthermore, we have taken photos which show the variations of shots we have used in this scene and for this sequence we recorded a sequence from CSI previously so we definately had it for filming.

This is a mid shot of Claudia's side profile to show that she is watching tv and this shot is also effective as it shows quite alot of the living room and therefore creates a homely feel. The mise-en-scene in this shot is Ben and Jerrys cookie dough icecream, large dairy milk bar, blanket, pyjamas, cushions and sofa she is sitting on.

This shot is another mid shot of Claudia eating and we positioned the camera so that it is looking down on her slightly therefore it is also a high angle shot. We positioned the camera in this way to create a sense of vulnerability and to show that Claudia feels small and even worthless after seeing the boy kissing another girl.

Over the shoulder shot. This shot is effective as it is from Claudia's perspective and makes the music video feel more personal, the audience feel closer to Claudia's character as we are seeing things from her perspective and her point of view. In the song Kate Nash refers to this sequence as being in the evening "Saturday night, I watched channel 5" however we filmed this sequence in the daytime. Therefore to make it look like night time we had to close all of the curtains to block the light from coming through. We also turned down the lights to a dim quality of lighting to show that it is evening and is in relation with the song.

This is a photo we took of Claudia to ensure continuity in the spy scene.

To make sure there is continuity in the Party scene we have taken a photo of Claudia.
Throughout the filming process we have taken a number of photos to ensure continuity regarding Claudia's appearance and mise en scene to prevent mistakes from occurring. We have also taken photos whilst filming of some of the scenes in our music video so that we can reflect on the quality of filming.

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