Monday, February 1, 2010

Stills From Filming

The above shot was not on our storyboard but we decided to film this shot so that we have more variation and have a variety to choose from when editing. This shot was taken at a lower angle and is a mid shot to show Kate Nash in her bedroom getting ready to spy. The lower angle shot is effective as it differs from usual typical shots and makes the shot look more interesting. Furthermore, the use of a lower angle is effective as it gives Claudia status and even makes her look important and significant. Furthermore, we can also see that Claudia is looking into the mirror as we can see some of her arm which makes it look like an over the shoulder shot, this is effective as we know that it is from Claudia's perspective. Overall, her reflection is the main focus of the shot.
This shot is a close up of Claudia when she is miming, "His eyes are way too close together". We used a close up for this part to emphasise Kate Nash's emotions; she is upset and feeling vulnerable after she saw the boy she likes kissing another girl and her feelings regarding the boy are evident through this close-up.

This shot is part of the CSI scene when Kate Nash is at home watching Csi and eating as she feels down. It is a long shot to show Claudia and we have taken this still to ensure continuity; if we need to re-film parts of this scene we can look at this still and continuity stills enable us to know the mise en scene and everything in the frame. Overall, we used a long shot for the CSI sequence so that the audience can see that Kate Nash in this part of the video is in the comfort of her own home and this relates to the audience as when people are down they tend to stay at home, eat and watch tv alone.
This shot is a high angle shot. We used a high angle shot as we wanted to experiment with new and different shots to add effect. Furthermore, we decided to use a high angle shot as we feel it is appropriate as it makes Kate Nash look quite vulnerable and therefore reflects her vulnerable feelings after the party. Furthermore, this still enables us to see the mise-en-scene in the frame if we need to re-film. We also used dim lighting for this sequence as we felt it created a private atmosphere and links to the song when Kate Nash is talking to her friends about the boy she likes and trusting her friends to understand.
This is a mid shot of Kate Nash to show that she is in the bathroom during the party. We feel this shot is effective as it emphasises Kate Nash's emotions and feelings. She is devastated that the boy she likes, likes someone else and she feels extremely unlucky in love. Kate Nash is also leaning on the wall to emphasise her vulnerability and that she needs support, wants comfort. To emphasise that she is really upset we have smudged her makeup and also have presented her as drinking her sorrows away and we hope this evokes pity amongst the audience for Claudia.
These are some stills from the filming process so far.

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