Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Development of We Get On Poster

We have recently been working on our Music video poster and the photo above shows our development. We have created the poster by using Adobe Photoshop and we created the swing, grass, flowers, tree, sun by using Photoshop's tools. We also used Photoshop to create our logo and the title of the song and writing was created on Photoshop. We decided that for our poster we wanted a sort of scrap book effect as we felt this would reflect Kate Nash's bubbly personality if she is surrounded by colourful cartoon-like imagery therefore we created the perfect outdoor scene around her by using different colours and pasting in the butterflies and robin. We made the flowers ourselves through photoshop. Furthermore, we have placed a photograph previously taken of Kate Nash on the swing and had to re-arrange the swing so that she is sitting realistically. In the photo she is wearing a green polka dot vintage dress to emphasise the 50s theme. However, we are planning on taking another photo of Claudia in a red polka dot dress so that the poster is really eye catching and so the emphasis is on Claudia. The polka dot red dress will also enhance our 50s theme. Also, we feel a red dress will be more appropriate as the colour red has connotations of love which will link with the song which is about heartache. Furthermore, we are going to take a photo of Claudia in this dress with her legs swinging down and her arms holding the swing so that it looks more realistic and this photograph will take up more room on the poster so that there are no large gaps. We have also included reviews to encourage the consumer to buy the CD and we have included the release date so the consumer knows exactly when it will be released.

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