Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is the front and back of our single "We Get On". We have used elements from our poster such as the tree, the colour of the background and the child-like writing as we wanted our CD front cover and back cover to link to the poster. To create the CD cover we zoomed in on Photoshop on the poster and copied the photo of Claudia and positioned her on the actual tree branch. Furthermore, we had to put on the front cover a parental advisory label as some of Nash's lyrics are profane and on the back of our CD cover we made the name of the song and artist and the reviews and rating smaller but held the white writing theme as we feel it stands out against the sky blue background. Finally, we used the stills from the filming process on the back of the CD cover and we edited this on Photoshop and made them look as if they had been cut out and blurred around the outside to continue this scrap book feel.

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