Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Possible Song Choices

In my last media lesson we chose our groups for our coursework and I, Francesca and Samantha discussed possible song choices for our music video.
Overall, we brainstormed and came up with six possible album tracks to use; we also thought about the pros and cons of these songs as shown below:
Anything but ordinary - Avril Lavigne
The song is about the girl's personal feelings, she is confiding in us, "Sometimes I get so weird". This is effective as the audience feels closer to the artist and perhaps feels more involved. The song has an effective and simple rhythm which would be easy to work with. However, there isn't much of a narrative and our group has decided that we are looking for a song which tells a story so that our music video has structure; a beginning, middle and end.
Things I'll never say - Avril Lavigne
Good narrative and the lyrics of the song such as "I'm staring at my feet" would make effective and interesting camera shots. An effective and fast tempo. However, the end of the song changes and would be hard to mime for our singer.
Birds - Kate Nash
Has a soft and effective instrumental at the beginning which sets the soft tone of the song. "She was waiting at the station" We could show the girl waiting at a train station and this would be an effective and realistic setting. We could film some effective shots of the girl and boy together such as close-ups of eyes, looks. This type of music video would appeal to a young, teenage girl audience. However, overall, there isn't much of a narrative and we feel it would be quite tedious because it lacks narrative.
We get on - Kate Nash
Very catchy song and the lyrics such as, "I don't usually notice people's eyes" would make effective filming as after she sings this we could flash to a close up of the boys' eyes and her reaction. As she is singing with hindsight we could use flashbacks throughout the video and could flash back to her singing in the present. Furthermore, the song tells a story, "I conducted a plan to bump into you most accidentally" and this would be an effective moment as we could evoke humour by showing that her plan doesn't go as well as she had intended.
That's the way I loved you - Taylor Swift
Good narrative, "All my single friends are jealous". We could film the girl's friends reactions to her with her boyfriend. However, the narrative could be quite confusing as it is sometimes unclear and the story she is telling is hard to understand. Not much imagery and visual information in the lyrics therefore we wouldn't be able to make many visual links.
The Best day - Taylor Swift
The Best Day is effective as it tells a very clear story, "I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys". It would make an effective music video as the lyrics hold many visual representations such as "I've got my big coat on". Also additionally, it would make a good music video as it is not like a typical and sterotypical song instead it is about family and growing up which is rare to find in the charts today. However, the problem with The Best Day is we would need children in it and it could be hard to get them to do certain things.

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