Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research - Music video analysis.

The Climb's video begins quite slowly and the camera focuses on a dark background. Suddenly the camera tracks upwards to present a very bright blue sky which connects with the slow music and creates a mysterious and perhaps magical atmosphere. The camera quickly blacks out to show a guitar lying down with a blue light reflecting off of it. This blue light holds the magical atmosphere and the camera flashes to a shot of the artist walking forward in the dark. She is singing and behind her is a bright blue and white light. The lyrics she sings whilst walking forward, "I can almost see it, that dream, i'm dreaming" connects with the pattern of colours as perhaps the brightness represents her dream. Furthermore, when the artist sits down the light behind her appears to be more like a spotlight perhaps suggesting that her dream is to sing.

Additionally, the beginning of the video is very much performance as it focuses on the artist singing in this mysterious, deserted setting. However, the second part of the video is narrative. There is an over the shoulder shot of the artist looking ahead of her and the camera speedily tracks in surrounded by mist which gives the audience the impression that it is dream like or a flashback which it is. The flashback shows another setting, a field and a new scene is created. The artist and a boy are riding horses in a beautiful setting and they are both wearing cowboy hats which suggests that they are in a country town. Furthermore, they are both casually dressed and the camera flicks from one smiling admirably to the other. The audience is immediatedly given the impression that they are in love which appeals to the young female audience once again. Then the camera flashes back to the blue setting and the artist begins to play the guitar whilst singing to her song.

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