Monday, November 30, 2009


I have created a questionaire asking about the publics favourite female artists and we have distributed these questionaires to help us with our music video production, as we have asked what the public look for in a music video and what attracts them to a music video. Once we have received back the questionaires we will make a list of the key elements we have to include in our music video.

Questionnaire on female artists

Name your favourite(s) female singer?

What do you like about them?

What is their music genre?

Are you a fan of Kate Nash?

If yes, what do you like about Kate Nash?

What attracts you to an artist?

What is your favourite CD album cover?

Why do you like it?

What do you like about your favourite female singers recent music video?

Monday, November 9, 2009

The first thing I am drawn to on this CD cover is the red stamp of “BUSTED” because it is really blunt and bold and this makes it the most eye catching aspect of the CD cover.
The name of the artist is “Busted”. Their name is given just below the centre of the CD cover therefore it is highly visible but we can also see the three artists.
The typography being used is very bold, red lettering; the highly noticeable stamp of Busted links with the theme of the CD cover as the boys are presented as being in a police station therefore the stamp of “BUSTED” links with this as not only have the boys been caught out but also perhaps they’ve been caught red-handed, hence the red, very bold writing.
The main image on the CD cover is of the three boys in a police station standing in front of the height board. They each look individual as they are wearing different clothes however their fierce expressions emphasise that they are one and are part of the group. Furthermore, the CD cover does focus on the three boys and this emphasises that they are a voyeurism and they are being sold on their image and looks. Also, the whole police-station imagery reflects the bands name, “Busted” as the audience are given the impression that they have been caught out.
The image is a photograph of the three boys. This creates an emphasis on image and emphasises that the boys’ looks play a big part in appealing to their perhaps more female audience. Furthermore, their image also presents them as “bad boys” as they are confidently looking at the camera and are presenting themselves as quite fierce and aggressive. Perhaps they are aiming to appeal to a rebellious teenage audience. Their pose presents them as very masculine.
The CD cover isn’t very colourful. The main focus is the title and the boys therefore they are both in colour. However, the pale white background creates a serious atmosphere and perhaps the artists are trying to emphasise that they have attitude and are sincere.
The genre of music Busted belong to is pop rock. We can gather this from the clothes they are wearing. For example, baggy jeans, wrist bands, trainers.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Research on Kate Nash...

An outfit like the one above that Kate Nash is wearing would be appropriate for the comical scene in our music video where our main character dresses up like a detective with sunglasses to hide her identity when she plans to bump into the boy she likes.

Kate Marie Nash is an English singer and songwriter based in London. She grew up in Harrow, North West London and her music career started in 2006 when she uploaded her music to Myspace after numerous gigs and her music on Myspace helped her fanbase to grow and grow.

Furthermore, Kate Nash's album Made of bricks became the platinum selling UK number one album and Nash is recognised for her evident uniqueness in her songs such as Skeleton Song and Birds. Her songs are of the indie pop genre and within them she includes aspects of her very British upbringing making references to the underground and ticket inspectors. This is effective as it enables the British audience to connect and relate to her. Furthermore, Kate Nash' style and look is also unique therefore we want to emphasise her uniqueness in our music video and we will do this by creating a unique Kate Nash indie style for Claudia who is playing our main girl and we will also have a 50's twist in our video therefore in the flashbacks and when Claudia is not singing in the 50's bar everyone else will be dressed in normal clothes but Claudia will have a 50's twist. For example, we might do Claudia's hair and makeup like she is from the 50's or have her wearing vintage clothes like high waisted skirts and polkadot dresses.
Kate Nash's influences are Just Jack and Lilly Allen who both have a similar style of singing to Kate Nash.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This CD cover differs from the others as by focusing on the artist's look they are trying to sell the artist through her image. Furthermore, her facial expression looks thoughtful and perhaps optimistic and perhaps connects with the song's name, "Don't look away". Overall, for our CD cover we would like to photograph Claudia but unlike this CD cover we want to include cartoon images to increase the audience's understanding of Claudia's quirky and bubbly character and to emphasise her character we will make it colourful and eyecatching.

This CD cover is effective in the way it uses colourful, cartoon -like imagery which reflects Kate Nash's bubbly personality. We would also like to use cartoon - like imagery when creating our CD cover to emphasise Kate Nash's quirkiness and we hope to have cartoon representations of some of the themes in the song, for example, a cartoon image which represents love or friendship. Furthermore, the picture of the girl on the parachute is a simulacrum for Kate Nash and we are considering whether we should also have a simulacrum or a photograph of Claudia on the CD cover. Overall, the name of the song isn't highly visible here but Kate Nash's name is more bold and visible and the colour red has connotations of love which connects with the song.
Firstly, the title "My Conscience And I" emphasises that the song is very personal to her and suggests that she is going to confide in us. The decorative imagery used on the Cd cover is effective as it reminds me of a fortune tellers tent and this suggests that her songs are about fate and the future and the gold pillow and funky, colourful room decorations present fortune -telling imagery as does the banners with her name and the song title. These are effective as it looks like the signs advertising fortune-telling at a funfair or circus. Furthermore, the brain is effective as I feel it stands out the most and this perhaps suggests we are going to be given an insight into her mind. Overall, I think this CD cover is effective in the way it has a theme, in this case the theme is fortune-telling and I would like our CD cover to also have a theme which would relate to the song effectively. Furthermore, I think this CD cover is highly effective as it to an extent exposes the singer and is very personal as it emphasises her ideas about fate and the future. In this way, the audience feels involved and as if the singer is confiding in us therefore I hope to connect with the audience on a personal level in our CD cover.

CD Covers

The large black letter "L" could represent love as a lot of Lily Allen's songs are about love and the title suggests it is about love, "It's not me, it's you". The boldness of the letter and the fact that it is black perhaps suggests that she isn't in favour of love and has maybe had some bad experiences. The pale pink dress she is wearing presents her as very girly and evokes a contrast to the title, "It's not me, it's you". These words reflect a breakup and the fact that she is blaming the other person emphasises that she has a fierce and powerful side to her. Furthermore, the song title is in italic pink writing which connects with her pink dress and makes it more eye catching and the candy coloured pink dress and writing suggests that she may have a bubbly and fun side to her and the brightly coloured pink dress could be a signifier for her personality. Furthermore, Lily Allen is presented as having her eyes closed and she looks calm as if she is meditating. Perhaps she is emphasising that she has moved on and is calmly content without her ex partner? Furthermore, the way she is seated with her arms pushing the big letter away from her could perhaps be emphasising that she is pushing love away and her eyes being closed could be emphasising that she is closing herself or even protecting herself from being hurt? Overall, the black netting she is wearing in her hair is associated with death therefore it arouses a contrast between it and her pink dress and perhaps it represents the death of love and her eyes being closed could be her reflecting on her past relationship.