Sunday, November 8, 2009

Research on Kate Nash...

An outfit like the one above that Kate Nash is wearing would be appropriate for the comical scene in our music video where our main character dresses up like a detective with sunglasses to hide her identity when she plans to bump into the boy she likes.

Kate Marie Nash is an English singer and songwriter based in London. She grew up in Harrow, North West London and her music career started in 2006 when she uploaded her music to Myspace after numerous gigs and her music on Myspace helped her fanbase to grow and grow.

Furthermore, Kate Nash's album Made of bricks became the platinum selling UK number one album and Nash is recognised for her evident uniqueness in her songs such as Skeleton Song and Birds. Her songs are of the indie pop genre and within them she includes aspects of her very British upbringing making references to the underground and ticket inspectors. This is effective as it enables the British audience to connect and relate to her. Furthermore, Kate Nash' style and look is also unique therefore we want to emphasise her uniqueness in our music video and we will do this by creating a unique Kate Nash indie style for Claudia who is playing our main girl and we will also have a 50's twist in our video therefore in the flashbacks and when Claudia is not singing in the 50's bar everyone else will be dressed in normal clothes but Claudia will have a 50's twist. For example, we might do Claudia's hair and makeup like she is from the 50's or have her wearing vintage clothes like high waisted skirts and polkadot dresses.
Kate Nash's influences are Just Jack and Lilly Allen who both have a similar style of singing to Kate Nash.

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