Monday, November 9, 2009

The first thing I am drawn to on this CD cover is the red stamp of “BUSTED” because it is really blunt and bold and this makes it the most eye catching aspect of the CD cover.
The name of the artist is “Busted”. Their name is given just below the centre of the CD cover therefore it is highly visible but we can also see the three artists.
The typography being used is very bold, red lettering; the highly noticeable stamp of Busted links with the theme of the CD cover as the boys are presented as being in a police station therefore the stamp of “BUSTED” links with this as not only have the boys been caught out but also perhaps they’ve been caught red-handed, hence the red, very bold writing.
The main image on the CD cover is of the three boys in a police station standing in front of the height board. They each look individual as they are wearing different clothes however their fierce expressions emphasise that they are one and are part of the group. Furthermore, the CD cover does focus on the three boys and this emphasises that they are a voyeurism and they are being sold on their image and looks. Also, the whole police-station imagery reflects the bands name, “Busted” as the audience are given the impression that they have been caught out.
The image is a photograph of the three boys. This creates an emphasis on image and emphasises that the boys’ looks play a big part in appealing to their perhaps more female audience. Furthermore, their image also presents them as “bad boys” as they are confidently looking at the camera and are presenting themselves as quite fierce and aggressive. Perhaps they are aiming to appeal to a rebellious teenage audience. Their pose presents them as very masculine.
The CD cover isn’t very colourful. The main focus is the title and the boys therefore they are both in colour. However, the pale white background creates a serious atmosphere and perhaps the artists are trying to emphasise that they have attitude and are sincere.
The genre of music Busted belong to is pop rock. We can gather this from the clothes they are wearing. For example, baggy jeans, wrist bands, trainers.

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